Saturday, January 16, 2010

Gallery, Billy Elliot, etc.

Well, after sleeping a full night, until about noon (!), Brad and I set off for a photography exhibit that was amazing. It seemed appropriate, it was a guy's work that had spent a lot of time in war-torn countries like DR Congo, and taken amazing pictures of the people he encountered, and retold several of their stories. It was intense, and very moving. Afterwards, we just walked around for a while, and I was just shocked at the beauty of the buildings here in London, and really just enjoyed walking through the crowds, listening to how beautifully people speak, soaking it all in. We stopped at a department store that had a grocery store on the bottom floor, and picked up dinner. Very convenient, clothes shop, and then go downstairs for dinner! Crazy! We came back to Brad's apartment, had some dinner, and took a brief nap. I was really excited, my friend Nicolas, had left tickets for me and Brad to see Billy Elliott, so off we went to the theater. The play was fantastic. One of my favorite parts was the big burly english guy that sat next to me and Brad, and was very interested in giving me the background of the story, telling me all about Margaret Thatcher, and the working class. He proceeded to sob, literally sob, all the way through the show! I love how nice everyone has been in Europe! After the show, Brad and I came back to his house, and I set out and explored the Vauxhall nightlife a bit. Today was rainy, so it wasn't a great day to walk around, but we have some more things planned for tomorrow. I'm having a fantastic time, riding the tube, walking around, watching, listening, loving it! My favorite part has been the people. London seems to be much more international than anything I'm used to. Tonight, while out, I met guys that were from all over, North Africa, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, and they love talking to me about their home countries. Just magnificent.

PS I got my IPhone working here in London. So the number for the next few days is (from the states) +44 7523 294 299

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