Monday, January 18, 2010

Tower of London!!!

After an hour and a half walk home along the Thames River, I am exhausted, and, well, just delighted to be here in London. But, in the interest of time, I will need to keep it brief tonight. Tomorrow, sadly, is my last full day in London, and I have so much left to do, so sleep is necessary. So here's a quick rundown: After a night of very interrupted sleep, I didn't meet my goal of waking up early, and got out of the house around 11:30. Oh well. I took the tube, while minding the gap of course, down to the Tower of London, which is right next to Brad's work, and met Brad for a quick lunch. We then walked outside and took my obligatory 'standing in front of the landmark bridge with arms wide open' photo, and Brad went back to work. I took the entire afternoon to tour the Tower of London. I must say, it has to be one of the coolest things I've ever done. I wasn't bored for one moment, totally engrossed and fascinated. I started off just meandering around myself, and then went and got an audio tour headset, and did the entire tour, over two hours! It was amazing, and way too much to write about now in any detail, but I will tell one of my favorite parts - At one point, the guided tour had me standing in the center of the complex where there is a cathedral on one side, and the narrator is talking about the church. He says something like 'While there has been a church here for over 900 years, this young building has only been here for 500.' I actually laughed out loud. ONLY 500?!?!? The history was amazing, looking at remnants of a wall built in 250 AD by the Romans! There was something very special about being there myself, moving through at my own pace, and just absorbing the history on my own. It truly was fantastic. I have tons and tons of pictures, and I'm trying to set up Picasa, but for now, I'll just post a couple of photos on here.
The rest of the evening was very nice - a meeting, and some nightlife, bars, etc. My night ended in Chelsea, and I decided to walk home, which took me all along the Thames, and across the Vauxhall Bridge. It was a beautiful walk, and took about an hour and a half. All I kept thinking, while walking home, is that THIS is what a city should look like! Building after building, street after street, just beautiful. WOW! Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get to the British Museum, the Tate Modern, The London Eye, Westminster Abbey.... Probably won't get it all done. Whoever it was that told me I would get bored in London was CRAZY!

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