Sunday, January 17, 2010

Imperial War Museum and a Dinner Party

Day 3 has been another relatively quiet, yet amazing day. After a fairly late night out last night, I woke up this morning at 9:15, and Brad and I hustled our way to an 11 am meeting. It was fantastic! Afterwards, Brad and two of his friends and I went to Soho (the gay section) and sat and had coffee, chatted leisurely, and did some people watching - one of my favorite activities. Afterwards, I set off on my own and spent a couple of hours at the Imperial War Museum. They have a very large Holocaust Exhibit right now, so I spent about two hours walking through it. I was really impressed, the exhibit was very well put together, and did a great job of demonstrating the events that led up to the Holocaust, which I had always had some difficulty understanding. The flow of the exhibit worked like a timeline, and was spread over two floors. It started off bright and cheery, and demonstrated what life was like for the Jews before World War 2. The first floor of the exhibit wandered through history, and the end of the first floor was when the war broke out, and when you went downstairs, the exhibit got very dark and ominous, as the timeline flowed through the concentration camps, and then finally to the end of it all. I was deeply moved, and emotionally exhausted when I was through. I walked back to Brad's place, had a nap, and then was delighted to have dinner here at the apartment with Brad's ex and a very close friend of theirs. It was a really nice, peaceful evening. It's about 10:30 now, and I'm calling it a night. I have two days left, and really hope to got on a tourist bus tomorrow, and get off at as many places as possible. I really want to go to the Tate Modern, The London Eye, The London Tower, The Portrait Gallery, and The British Museum. We'll see how much I can get done in two days. All in all, I'm loving London. Europe is amazing...

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